
Archive for Big Picture

Sometimes Going Forward Takes Compromise

People have different reasons for wanting to get something built. Usually, there is a disconnect between what they want to build and what they can afford to build.

Recently a friend was working on a project for a non-profit, where the design committee had stated that the project budget was 20 million dollars.

Monopoly housesThe project was well into designs and the design team had put together a beautiful looking project. The cost of construction was estimated to be about 18.3 million dollars, all in. The team felt great! They had successfully designed a beautiful looking project well within budget, or so they thought.

Then, literally an hour before the team went to present the project to the city board, the donor told the team the donation would be five million, not the budgeted amount.

They asked me to help figure out how they could get the entire project down to five million, so we spent the weekend crunching numbers and whittling away at the project.

That following Monday, we presented the list of suggested cuts which included reducing the square footage of buildings, reducing ceiling heights, re-positioning buildings, combining spaces, and using different materials. It was all budget driven, but the owner was still not at all happy with all the suggested cuts.

Realistically, the owner can get all of the necessary project functions into a project that will cost five million, but taking any project from 18 million down to 5 million, will drastically change the project size, scope, and quality. In the end, it may have changed everything so much that they don’t build anything resembling what they wanted.

The worst part is that now they have a design that they cannot use, have purchased land they may not use, and have spent upwards of one million dollars on everything to date.

In every project, it is of utmost importance that the people responsible for design and those responsible for funding, are on the same page.

In this case, the design committee never wanted to have the donor involved or informed, and had no other relevant donors. They were setting themselves up for a failure and didn’t even know it.

It didn’t have to happen that way. If the design committee really wanted to build something useful, they needed to compromise on the project size, scope and quality. If they couldn’t, they will have wasted a million dollars on a plan they cannot afford to build on property they cannot use.

Top 10 Renovation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Renovating your home is almost always a good idea. As we go through life and our families grow and change and as that happens, you can find that your home needs to change with you. That leaves you with a couple choices; renovating, or selling and moving. Renovating is a better choice, because it’s less expensive and causes less disruption to the family, but before you start you’ll want to know the top 10 renovation mistakes and how to avoid them.

If you’re among the millions of people who are afraid of dealing with contractors and getting ripped off, then of course, selling seems easier. But, if you really think about it; it’s more expensive, and a much bigger headache. The realtor can cost 6% off top, there closing and moving expenses, and often you’ll have to renovate a little anyway just to make your place sellable. Then, of course, there is the whole – find a new place, negotiate, close, pack, move, unpack. Holy Cow! My head is spinning, just thinking about it!

I’d much rather renovate, it’s easier; create a little project plan, talk to some contractors, get comparable competitive bids, pick the best bidder, watch them knock it out. Just follow the Construction Conductor action steps.

Most people start projects thinking they’re going to be fast, easy and cheap, only to end up having them become slow, difficult and expensive, because of avoidable mistakes.

Let’s face it; most of us have no idea about how to go about a home renovation project. All we have is a vague idea of what we want when the project is over. If you don’t know what you don’t know, problems are bound to happen, but with Construction Conductor, those problems can be avoided.

Here are the top 10 renovation mistakes and how to avoid them.

  1. Doing it yourself – There are times to do it yourself and times not to. If you don’t know what you are doing, you’re probably going to reduce your home’s value, not increase it. Stick to doing the parts you know how to do correctly and hire an expert to do the rest.
  2. Not creating a budget – Many people start out working on their homes, without any idea of what it’s going to cost them. Then, halfway through the project they either; run out of money leaving them stuck without the project finished, or have to dig deep and find more money. Either way, the contractor is the only winner there. Develop your own budget, so you’ll know what you can afford before getting started.
  3. Being overly frugal – This isn’t the time to try and save money. Every dollar you save by using cheaper materials or cutting corners will cost you in the long run. When you’re project budget gets bigger than you can afford, you’re better off phasing and doing less work, but doing it well. That will add more to your home’s value and your enjoyment of your home.
  4. Choosing the first contractor you talk to – When a contractor comes to talk to you about doing your project, they’re on a job interview. Any of them can look great in that interview; all they have to do is appear to have good rapport, referral and price. Interview several, to find the one you think you can work with the best.
  5. Avoiding government red tape – The average homeowner that starts out to make a change never thinks about getting a building permit or having their work inspected. This can be dangerous, especially if your home experiences a fire or other disaster. If work has been done without a permit, the insurance company can use that as an excuse to avoid paying.
  6. Starting a project before finishing the plan – Unless all you’re doing is painting, you need to fully plan out your project, before starting it. Otherwise, you’re going to end up wasting a lot of time and money, redoing things. Construction work has to be done in a particular order to prevent waste; plan your project before starting so you ensure that you’ve thought of everything.
  7. Buying more material than you need – It’s easy to go to the home improvement center and fill up your pickup with materials. But if you don’t need all those materials, you might have trouble taking them back. Often, materials become damaged on the job, making it impossible to take them back to the lumberyard. Make a material list, based on your plans and only buy what you need.
  8. Making changes midstream – Changes are inevitable in any construction project. Even so, you want to keep them to a minimum. Often, those changes add to the cost of the project by causing things to be done over. A good plan will help eliminate changes.
  9. Not getting change orders – If you’re using a contractor, make sure you sign change orders for everything. Some contractors see changes as an opportunity to boost their profits. Save yourself from a shockingly high bill by documenting every change, along with its cost.
  10. Miscalculating the effect on resale value – A lot of people think that renovating their home will make their home much more valuable. While a lot of projects will add some value to your home, unless you are adding space or improving the quality, you won’t get that much of an increase. Much of what is done as renovation is really to restore the home to its original condition, not to make it more of a home; that doesn’t add to the resale value.

Construction Conductor helps you avoid the top 10 renovation mistakes, work better with contractors, and have a successful project.



Spring Cleaning Means Spring Repairs Too

Winter has thrown its last temper tantrum at us and now it looks like we can finally settle into spring. People are starting to think about spring cleaning; opening their windows to get some fresh air into their homes. Mops and feather dusters have come out as people try to clean off the dreariness of winter and enter the joy of spring. There’s a feeling of new life in the air as flowers start to bloom and birds start to sing.

How did your home weather the winter? Winter is often hard on homes, and the rains and winds of spring aren’t much better. How are your doors? Do they squeak or need new seals? How about your windows? Are they stuck closed or can’t close completely?  Did you feel a draft through them all winter long?

Our homes do a great job of protecting us from the weather, but in the process it’s our homes that suffer. Harsh winters can damage homes, causing windows to crack and leak. We tell ourselves all winter long that we need to replace those windows or put in a new front door, and then when spring rolls around, we forget about it.

Now is the time to take a good look at your home, casting a critical eye towards its condition. Springtime is more than just cleaning time; it’s time to start making plans for what you want to do to your home, so that it’s ready to make it through the next winter even better. Don’t wait till fall, like lots of people do; by then, you’ll probably forget. Besides, all the contractors will be busy with all the other people who waited as well.

Small new window

Changing out old windows and doors can save you money by providing a home that’s more airtight, eliminating all those drafts you’ve been feeling. While you’re replacing your windows, you can take advantage of the opportunity to upgrade them to double or even triple panes; increasing the insulation value of your home. That will save you money next winter on your heating bill.

A single pane window has an R value of about 1.

Double pane windows can vary from 1.5 to 3.0, depending upon the amount of space, and type of gas between the panes. But the real benefit comes from using better “Low E” glass (or glazing).

Triple pane windows can have an R value as high as 6 and double pane windows with suspended film between the panes, along with low energy glass can have an R value as high as 4.5. That’s more than four times what a single pane window has.

Some repair projects are for your family’s enjoyment; but some, like installing new energy-efficient windows are an investment in your home. They help create a more comfortable living environment in your home, while increasing the “curb appeal” of your home when it’s time to sell.

At Construction Conductor, we make sure you get the best deal, as well as the best contractor. After all, your home is worth it.

About tall ceilings

Tall ceilings help make a space, any space, feel larger. Raise the ceiling and instantly you feel like a weight has been lifted off your head.

Buildings and houses built in the late 18th and early 19th century before the advent of air conditioning often had tall ceilings as a natural design element to help keep people cool. This was especially true in warm climates.

Tall ceilings help keep people cool in warm weather because warm air rises. For centuries before the invention of air conditioning, through a process called thermal (or air) stratification. Air stratification is a natural process where air forms bands of different temperatures, with the hottest air rising to form the highest band. Ceiling heights started shrinking in the 1930’s, as air conditioning became more widely available.

Unfortunately today, tall ceilings are often a problem for the same reason—air stratification.

Building codes today commonly call for ceilings with a minimum height of 7′-0″ to 8′-0″ with no specified maximum, this is mostly so tall people won’t smack their heads on everything hanging from the ceiling. New residential construction these days often has ceilings from 10′-0″ to 15′-0″ feet high. In commercial and institutional construction you can easily find ceiling heights that exceed 20′-0″ feet. In these tall spaces air can easily stratify in bands that exceed the height of a person. This means that if the space is not properly engineered, you can have the heat on full-blast in winter and still be cold in the room.

Ceiling fans, when properly sized, do a good job of preventing air stratification by keeping the air moving around the room. In the absence of ceiling fans the mechanical system must be powerful enough to overcome the distance to the floor.

Green Is Advancing, Are You?

Are you keeping up with Green Building Standards?

A simple green home design by Bercy Chen Studio

As building methods  improve, some builders will be left behind by outdated methods.  Keep your business growing by using the national standards.

At a June 13-17 meeting at the National Housing Center in Washington, D.C., a consensus committee working on updating the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) will evaluate 465 changes to the original 2008 version of the standard proposed by the public.

Initiated in 2007 by the International Code Council and NAHB, the National Green Building Standard was developed by a 42-member consensus committee and approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in January 2009, making it the first point-based rating system for green residential construction, remodeling and land development to be approved by ANSI.

More than 2,200 projects have been certified to the standard since its approval by ANSI.Green Built Texas logo

“I think we are seeing in this process that the scope of green building for residential construction and remodeling will be expanded,” said Ray Tonjes, a builder from Austin, Texas, who is serving as vice chairman of the consensus committee.

“We’re looking at refining the point structure in the green scoring system, and refining the practices for renovations and additions,” he said.

Once the committee has completed its work, the newly updatedNAHB National Green Building Program logo National Green Building Standard will be submitted to ANSI for approval in 2012.

As an ANSI-approved standard, the document is subject to periodic updates based on consideration of advances in building codes and technology and other developments.

Becoming a Construction Conductor save you time by automating documents and organizing them into an easy-to-use dashboard.  Conductors have more time to learn about new developments that affect their business.  Don’t be left behind because you don’t have time to learn the new standards.

Learn more about the National Green Building Standard for single- and multifamily homes, residential remodeling projects, and site development projects.

For residential buildings, four threshold levels – Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald – allow builders to quantify and qualify green building at all levels. At the Emerald level, the highest rating for a residential green building, a building must incorporate energy savings of 60% or more.  A free Green Scoring Tool compatible with the standard is available on the certification side of this website.

(Partially excerpted from:  http://www.greenbuilttexas.com/industry-news-outside-sources/june-meeting-to-produce-draft-of-2012-national-green-building-standard/.)

I’ve grown to appreciate Inspectors.

I don’t know about anyone else, but mention an inspector and my first reaction is cop!  In my many years in the trades I’ve come under the scrutiny of different inspectors plenty.  I really had to grow a lot not to take them personally.  Imagine that, someone with the audacity not to accept judgments made by me.

On the road to here… I’ve felt picked on, and nitpicked; subjected to egos, attitude and politics.  In the end I came to the conclusion, that they weren’t here to work against me ‘ but to provide a service for the public.  At this point, tough doesn’t bother me as long as the inspector is consistent.

Without inspectors, the public is left to believe whatever the developer/contractor wants to tell them.

Property inspectors are very crucial at this time with an uncertain market many juicy foreclosures and a lot of pitfalls without safety nets.  A property inspector could  bring real sanity to a new buyer who is reaching without contingency, as to the actual condition of water heater, furnaces and appliances etc.

That’s just 1 example,  but inspectors provide a valuable service and deserve a thumbs up!