
Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of the most frequently asked questions about Construction Conductor.

If you have a question about membership or functionality that isn’t being answered here, feel free to send us a note.

What do I need to get the most out of Construction Conductor?

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. Most tools and forms are available offline after download.

Can I access Construction Conductor on my phone or tablet?

Yes! Construction Conductor is available via any browser, however, our forms and tools may work better on a full-size screen.

Do you have an app for Android or iPhones?

Not at this time, but we work hard to make our site is as responsive as possible, while still offering full functionality. If you are having difficulties using the site, feel free to Contact Us or open a Support Ticket.

How long has Construction Conductor been in business?

Construction Conductor has been helping clients with construction and renovation management for over 10 years. The tools, processes and systems you’ll use here were developed over 30 years of project management and owner representation.

How do I know if Construction Conductor is right for me and my project needs?

Construction Conductors was specifically designed to work on any project, big or small, easy or complicated. That’s why we give you everything, just for varying lengths of time. But, if your still unsure, take our Can you be the GC quiz to see what level is right for you.

Can Construction Conductor connect me with a recommended Contractor?

“Recommandations” can be tricky, because they can negatively affect the price. Instead, Construction Conductor helps you objectively hire the best contractor(s) for the best price based on exactly what you want. Just use our site to post your scope of work for contractors to bid.

How do I know if I need / What if I need an Architect?

We’ll help you decide if you need an Architect, Designer or Engineer and what type(s) you need. If you need professional design, we help you find the best qualified people near you. If you are your own designer, we walk you through the process so you clearly communicate what you want.