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Project Phasing is the best way to move forward on a limited budget.

There may be a point in while planning your project that you realize you don’t have enough money to cover the budget on that dream project. When that happens Project Phasing is the best way to move forward on a limited budget.

Project Phasing is common on big projects and is just as useful on home renovation projects.

That sounds complicated and time-consuming. There must be easier are easier, quicker ways out. Right?

Sure, you can find the cheapest contractor with the biggest promises, and fight your way all the way through, but it will end up costing more anyway after you piss off the contractor. In the end, you won’t be happy with what you get, not to mention all the added stress. Why should you suffer all that?

Or, you could abandon the dream and accept mediocre substitutions all the way through, sacrificing quality and longevity; then try and convince yourself that you’re not disappointed, every time you have to address something that wasn’t done quite “right”. In the short run it’ll be cheaper. In the long run, who knows. It can be a lot more. Every project is different. Some will need a little cosmetic touch up, others, complete redo depending on material and workmanship. Why would you want to suffer all that.

Either way, you’ll be glad when that contractor’s out of your life. You’ll only have that bad taste in your mouth, when some detail reminds you of them. Over time that will fade, but before then; you may have paid off that additional loan you had to get when you blew the budget.

There is another, better way. Project Phasing is the best way to move forward on a limited budget.

Project phasing, gets you what you want in chunks you can afford, without sacrificing scope or quality. It’s the best way to move forward with a project when the goal is bigger than your budget. Phasing is easy and works on any sized project.

To phase your project, follow these simple steps:

  • Break your project down in to the basic trade activities (i.e. counters, cabinets, tile, painting, etc.).
  • Estimate the detailed costs for each trade activity.
  • Identify your needs, wants and wishes, to prioritize items by importance.
  • Add up all your needs. These are going to cost what they cost. Make sure it fits in the budget. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to split the project up in to smaller parts.
  • Next are wants and wishes. You can mix these up if you want (no pun intended). Add these elements in to the budget until you reach about 80% – 90% of budget.
  • The last 10% – 20% is your contingency, for unforeseen site conditions; and there are always unforeseen site conditions.


For more detailed information on how you can use project phasing to move forward on a limited budget, or get help planning, bidding, and managing your project, join Construction Conductor.

How to save money in construction and renovation.

I’m not in to clipping coupons, but I like saving money. With most industries it’s easy to watch and wait for a sale to save money on what you want. But in construction there aren’t really sales like that. Construction materials are seldom on sale; and fixtures and finishes are never all on sale at the same time or when you need them.

In construction, there are only a few ways to save money. Some use the lowest cost materials they can buy. Some use the lowest cost labor they can find. Some push people to work faster or sooner than they should. These methods are easy and obvious, but each has it’s pitfall. and while they do save some money, what they cost later in redoing and repairing work is often far greater.

In construction, saving money is about negotiating the best prices for what you want, and controlling costs. The best to do that is to use this simple 3 – step process:

1 – Plan your renovation project and outline all the work you want done. Include adds and deducts to account for things you might or might not want.

2 – Negotiate the best price by using competitive bid, adjusting the scope of the work with new information and objectively comparing prices.

3 – Manage your contractor(s), enforcing the scope, contract and quality you expect, paying only for what is complete.

Contractors make money by getting in, doing the work and getting out. The faster they can get in and out with the least amount of problems, the more money they make. This 3 – step process works because contractors have a clear picture of what they need to do before getting to the project, what the expectations are, how long they have to do it, and the price has been well negotiated before starting.

For a more information on how this works join Construction Conductor.

Should you be your own Realtor?

Real estate flippers, investors and sellers know that realtor fees feel expensive.

Using the 70% ARV (After Repair Value) rule for investing and assuming some reasonable repairs, realtor fees can wind up costing %30 to 50% of the profit.

If you’ve flipped a few properties, you may be thinking about being your own realtor or putting the property up for sale by owner, in order to maximize profit. That’s why many investors become their own real estate agent, but what can seem like a good idea at first can sometimes become more than what you were bargaining for.

There is an immense amount of effort and overall work that goes in to selling property. Countless hours of making and taking calls, evening and weekend meetings, and endless tire kickers, not to mention the classes, yearly licensing fees and costs. Add it all up and there are thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours involved.

If you read “When do you make money on the property flip” (read it here!), you know that there are 3 steps in every flip; 1) buy, 2) fix, and 3) sell, and that you make your money by predicting and controlling the fix, and developing a ‘partnership’ with an agent or broker in exchange for a lower commission to increase the margin on the sale.

No one can do it all, and do it well. If you try, the market often steams past you and you lose your edge. You’re much better off building good teams with people who you work well with. Cutting out an agent who’s spent years cultivating a market, networks and market knowledge is not the answer, learning how to estimate property repairs before buying and using a construction system that helps save time and money, is.

Sometimes Going Forward Takes Compromise

People have different reasons for wanting to get something built. Usually, there is a disconnect between what they want to build and what they can afford to build.

Recently a friend was working on a project for a non-profit, where the design committee had stated that the project budget was 20 million dollars.

Monopoly housesThe project was well into designs and the design team had put together a beautiful looking project. The cost of construction was estimated to be about 18.3 million dollars, all in. The team felt great! They had successfully designed a beautiful looking project well within budget, or so they thought.

Then, literally an hour before the team went to present the project to the city board, the donor told the team the donation would be five million, not the budgeted amount.

They asked me to help figure out how they could get the entire project down to five million, so we spent the weekend crunching numbers and whittling away at the project.

That following Monday, we presented the list of suggested cuts which included reducing the square footage of buildings, reducing ceiling heights, re-positioning buildings, combining spaces, and using different materials. It was all budget driven, but the owner was still not at all happy with all the suggested cuts.

Realistically, the owner can get all of the necessary project functions into a project that will cost five million, but taking any project from 18 million down to 5 million, will drastically change the project size, scope, and quality. In the end, it may have changed everything so much that they don’t build anything resembling what they wanted.

The worst part is that now they have a design that they cannot use, have purchased land they may not use, and have spent upwards of one million dollars on everything to date.

In every project, it is of utmost importance that the people responsible for design and those responsible for funding, are on the same page.

In this case, the design committee never wanted to have the donor involved or informed, and had no other relevant donors. They were setting themselves up for a failure and didn’t even know it.

It didn’t have to happen that way. If the design committee really wanted to build something useful, they needed to compromise on the project size, scope and quality. If they couldn’t, they will have wasted a million dollars on a plan they cannot afford to build on property they cannot use.

When do you make money on the property flip?

Often, investors tell you that, “In real estate investing you make all your money by buying right!”

The truth is, “Buying Right” is only part of the ‘flipper equation’.

Most property flips need repairs and upgrades as part of working the flip. Even when holding property, eventually repair and maintenance is needed. This makes property flips, a three-step process: Buy, Renovate, and Sell.

If you buy wrong it’s hard – some say impossible – to turn the situation around. There is no question; flipping property starts with the buy. People have a great degree of control over the buy if they are objective and willing to walk away from the deal. The “trick” is to have solid information that makes you confident you are buying right.

The same information helps your reasonably predict, but cannot control, the sell. Selling is always subject to market changes.

You can buy right only to see the profit slip away when the renovation goes over budget, takes too long, or both. It’s easy to understand why going over budget can reduce profit, but a project is on budget, but takes too long and the market changes – taking a dive mid project. That’s what happened to thousands of flippers when the housing bubble burst in 2008.

Each of those conditions are enough to lose some or all of your profit. Both together, will have you deciding between holding and renting in hopes of the market eventually turning around, selling at a loss, or foreclosure.

That’s why controlling the renovation, is the best way to maximize profit. With the right construction management system and tools in place, you can keep competition fair and reasonable, clearly outline expectations, hold people accountable, control costs, maintain a healthy power structure, and provide checks and balances.

And with unbiased and objective support in place, you can easily sort out confusing and / or conflicting information.

With these two things, you can keep your residential and light commercial project on track, profitable and headache free.

About tall ceilings

Tall ceilings help make a space, any space, feel larger. Raise the ceiling and instantly you feel like a weight has been lifted off your head.

Buildings and houses built in the late 18th and early 19th century before the advent of air conditioning often had tall ceilings as a natural design element to help keep people cool. This was especially true in warm climates.

Tall ceilings help keep people cool in warm weather because warm air rises. For centuries before the invention of air conditioning, through a process called thermal (or air) stratification. Air stratification is a natural process where air forms bands of different temperatures, with the hottest air rising to form the highest band. Ceiling heights started shrinking in the 1930’s, as air conditioning became more widely available.

Unfortunately today, tall ceilings are often a problem for the same reason—air stratification.

Building codes today commonly call for ceilings with a minimum height of 7′-0″ to 8′-0″ with no specified maximum, this is mostly so tall people won’t smack their heads on everything hanging from the ceiling. New residential construction these days often has ceilings from 10′-0″ to 15′-0″ feet high. In commercial and institutional construction you can easily find ceiling heights that exceed 20′-0″ feet. In these tall spaces air can easily stratify in bands that exceed the height of a person. This means that if the space is not properly engineered, you can have the heat on full-blast in winter and still be cold in the room.

Ceiling fans, when properly sized, do a good job of preventing air stratification by keeping the air moving around the room. In the absence of ceiling fans the mechanical system must be powerful enough to overcome the distance to the floor.